Citizens will receive an online account automatically when they submit a request for the first time with an email address. A username and password will be provided in the request email confirmation.
If the citizen forgets their username or password, they may select the Password Assistance link (See Figure 60). A new screen will prompt the citizen for their email address to recieve their account information.
Citizens who call in their request will also receive an online account with an email notification if they provide their email address (See Figure 61).
Figure 59 - Citizen Request Screen
Figure 60 - Password Assistance Screen
Figure 61 - Citizen Confirmation Email with Sign-in Information
Figure 62 - Citizen Online Account View
Figure 63 - Submitted Request Details
The citizen can provide feedback about the request service by completing an online survey (See Figure 64). The citizen can access this survey once the request status is closed by the employee. The survey is accessible in two ways: 1) A link to the survey is provided in the email the citizen receives when the request is closed (See Figure 65) and 2) The citizen may log into their account online, and select the link Rate your experience next to the closed request (See Figure 62 above).
Figure 64 - Citizen Survey
Figure 65 - Citizen Email Notification: Closed Request